Thursday, May 9, 2024

Fly Doom

Wanna see a super cool (Victorian era?) insecticide tin? Edgar A. Murray's FLY DOOM. This giant can contained a full pound of powdery bug DOOM, and seriously, everything about it is just so great, from the variously enormous lettering styles, the "DEATH TO FLIES" tagline, the terrific Halloween color scheme, and the fact that the guy who invented this DOOM not only trade marked the word "DOOM", but he also put his signature right on the label. Edgar A. Murray meant business! The entire back of the can contains detailed DOOM instructions of how to properly use FLY DOOM --I mean, apparently it's safe enough to use around "meat blocks", just make sure you burn all the flies after they've been murdered! You could also purchase other cans to DOOM roaches, moths, bed bugs, and rats too! DOOOOOOM 'em all!!!

Monday, May 6, 2024

I'll Huff and I'll Puff...

Oh look, I dug up some assorted pieces to this cute 1930's Three Little Pigs tin litho Disney tea set by Ohio Art today. Originally the set included more plates, saucers, cups, and even a gorgeous tray, but unfortunately this was all I could find. Anyway, on each plate and saucer we get the big bad wolf doing his best to get ahold of a BLT, but the oinker trio, of course, have other porky plans. Lots of colorful fun, and it's all based on one of the best Silly Symphony cartoons of all time.


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tess of Tiddlebury Towers

I'm always on the hunt for cool painted gothic romance novel cover art, and yesterday's find proved to be a real winner. Yes, there it was staring back at me from the shelf in all of its atmospheric, moonlit winter scenery and ominous mood. As most books presented in this style from this era, we get the flimsily-clad female frantically running away from the dark old haunted house, (CHECK!), --flickering candle in hand (CHECK!), --gnarled, claw-like tree reaching up from the ground like the hand of the undead (CHECK!), --and the eerie escape in... to... the... outhouse?!! Wait a second! This Moriah Thorneycroft Ravensbeak "classic" published by Abandon House isn't actually a book at all --it's a 115 piece puzzle! And a seriously silly spoof of gothic romance novels at that! Further exploring the fine print on the back, Springbok Editions is of course a division of Hallmark Cards, so this was yet another fine, and funny, gift alternative to their usual greeting cards. Be sure to read the hilarious cover blurb and back cover synopsis, (it was the author bio that made me truly bust out laughing loudest though.) And what's this? I found a few more of these book puzzles at the store as well, pokes at Moby Dick, Zorro, and Zane Grey westerns, but by some strange compulsion I only grabbed this one. For now...

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Chairs of Karswell

I picked up a couple of gorgeous Victorian era chairs last month to enhance the ever ongoing Karswell office upgrade, and after sharing both on FB with my closest inner circle coven of fellow cackling comrades, I thought I'd do the same here because most of you that follow AEET seem to be equally into cinematic creatures and wonton witchery too. Okay now, the first chair immediately grabbed my attention when I saw it at the antique mall, believing that the overall green color and shape of the comfy, claw-like back resembled the Creature from the Black Lagoon's amphibiously deadly monster mitt! Hence why the chair now sits next to a portion of my Creature collection-- natch! The second chair, now dubbed "The Witch Chair" thanks to Mr. Cavin, is a mid 1800's wood carved Stickley-Brandt work of awesome art, highlighted by the double winged demon battle crest and claw-footed design (and yes the chair is now inside, I took the pix outside because the lighting in my office wasn't quite cutting the detail mustard!) So there you have it, come on over and sit for a spell in the 'ol Witch Chair.... get it?

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Eve of Halloween!

Well, it isn't really, but we are officially halfway to Halloween 2024 though, and if you need a little night cap after our weird Walpurgisnacht festivities over at THOIA HERE, how about this mutha of a story from the March 1956 issue of Astonishing #47 (featuring art by eerie Ed Winiarski.) May is just around the corner, so as usual, stay tombed to both blogs for lots more...

Friday, April 26, 2024

Tess and Ted

Unearthed a super cute and very old Tess and Ted School Shoes promotional pinback today-- and ain't they just about the cutest, most unjustly forgotten mascot team ever? Aka "The Star Brand Kids," Tess and Ted were characters created in the early 1900s to be featured in advertising materials for children's shoes manufactured by the Roberts, Johnson, and Rand Shoe Company in St. Louis, Missouri. According to the Button Museum website, this darling young duo apparently became quite famous at the time for their popular "rhyming adventures" as featured in trade catalog books and other advertising materials. They even became an actual real live song and dance act that performed for children in St. Louis. But back to the sweetly illustrated button, which is, like most things from the ever amazing Victorian era, just absolutely, beautifully rendered. From their fresh lil faces to their high falootin' fashion sense, I do believe it's time for Tess and Ted to make their long awaited comeback... 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Popeye the Juggler Game

Found a very rare, super old 1929 Popeye hand game where the object is to maneuver all your little BB balls by hand into the designated holes --and even balance one on his pipe! The back instructions are funny because they make it sound like an actual challenge vs. Popeye! Anyway, this one's a bit rusted around the edges, with character colors faded on the playfield, but overall it's in decent enough shape and still plays great. Made by Ear Zim Toy MFG. Co., INC. in New York.

Monday, April 22, 2024

The Living Pearl

I freakin' loathe cigarettes, but I totally love this old Camel ad on the back of a Liberty magazine from 1933. And I also thought that it's been a while since I've blown anything up (remember how I used to do that?), so here we go, larger looks at "The Living Pearl" magic trick reveal so we can also get a good gander at that pretty pearl girl. I skipped the other magic trick at the end though.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Fire Water Flask

Vintage novelty booze flasks could be found in pretty much every kitsch loaded gift shop back in the day. This particular one that I came across (and before anyone gets mad at me, no I did not buy it) originally hails from the touristy Bagnell Dam strip area of Lake of the Ozarks MO, a place where I spent practically every summer as a kid in the 70's and early 80's. So here we have it, flimsy art slap-dashed on the front with a lame drinkers gag meter on the back... they clearly sold a million of these things with a wide variety of artistic interpretations of the stereotypical "drunk injun" caricature too. Google it and you'll see what I mean, --from Ft. Lauderdale beaches to tourist trap ghost towns of the wild west-- I even spotted one HERE online that appears to have actually been sold on a Cherokee Indian reservation in NC.

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Spider Widow vs. The Japanese Spies!

If you've made your way here from THOIA after witnessing Diane Grayton, aka The Spider Widow tackle a horrific headhunter in a high rise, well here she comes again --and this time teamed up with the ridiculous, Muppety looking Raven! From the November 1942 issue of Feature Comics #62, this is one of her earlier war set adventures, and illustrated by character creator, Frank Borth. Featuring lots of great fighting and badly dated jokery, --not to mention many eye-poppin' moments highlighted with some very attractive, long legged upskirtery --as SW spends quite a bit of time strung up and in barefooted bondage, before transforming into the Halloween-esque hag hero, The Spider Widow! She also appears to have the very special gift power of having her heels on / off from one panel to the next too (not complaining either way!) 

Look, if you came here to AEET first and missed the other SW horror-rama, them quickly head off over to THOIA by CLICKING HERE! after today's story-- see ya!