Thursday, September 5, 2024

Aladdin Polish

Back in May I showed you a gorgeous antique Reducing Lotion bottle label design HERE, and now today I have another one that might be even more magical than that one. Koester's Aladdin Polish and Cleaner, manufactured in Des Moines, Iowa in the early 1930's, was a "modern miracle worker", made to prevent rust and tarnish for: wood, metal furniture, floors and woodwork, autos, rough glass, and tile etc. But what it likely really did for buyers back in the day, more than "keepin' things shining", was blowing people's minds with that incredibly beautiful bottle label design. I mean seriously, just look at that stunning illustration and all of the perfect hand lettering on the front and back! Name one product today that has a label that comes even half as close. It's in great condition too, not to mention the bottle is still more than half full of original cleaning fluid!


  1. That label is fantastic, I can only wonder what it looked like when it was brand new. Was the background color bright orange or was it always a subdued hue?

    The image of Aladdin with his lamp should have been used on a book cover for a 1930's publication of 1,001 Arabian Nights.

    Another great find, Karswell, I don't know if rubbing the bottle (ever so gently) will grant you a wish, but you never can tell...

  2. That "for" list is about everything I might own, I'm surprised it didn't say it wasn't also for washing pets and drinking!

    I love the fine line work here -- the white lines that make up the checks is interesting, and the "in lights" dots around the logo. There's even a little city scene in the background!

  3. Well, there's variants to the levels of orange used here, but everything is bright and surprisingly like new... nothing seems faded as I hold it here in my hand

  4. Man, you're right: That's a lot of really super hand a lettering. And I'm always a sucker for a black and orange color scheme. Swell find!
