Friday, August 9, 2024

Stylex Mustache Comb Display

If you liked last month's Ventura sunglasses display, maybe you'll enjoy this Stylex Mustache Comb set I stumbled upon earlier this week too. Undoubtably, old store stock, and even when these were available I'd gather handlebar mustaches weren't considered all that Stylex-stylish anymore --though there is definitely a resurgence for 'em these days. The stern hombre illustration featured at the top of the board shows you how these actually came available-- for only $1.29 you received 2 combs in one, and when put end to end they created the entire mustache as pictured. 


  1. This means I'm only a hat and $1.29 away from finally being cool!

    That is a bright yellow display -- it had to be really eye-catching in a store.

  2. This would be a neat prop in a movie scene set in the 70's.

    I am guessing that this was intended for the Canadian market since the price in the circle mentions 'only' and 'seulement' .

  3. I hope they also manufactured a crabs comb to form a toothbrush mustache.

  4. I love that they sold each person double the necessary number of stache combs just for the beautiful visual gimmick of it all. That's keeping the faith, man.
