Monday, August 19, 2024

A Hammock Built for 2

Ooooo just what I always wanted-- a hammock souvenir sent all the way from Indianapolis, Indiana! But wait, how on Earth could this tiny mailer box hold a hammock actually large enough for two? So let's just lift the lid on this sucker and see what "2" they actually mean. Ah! Even better! These funny old gag gift boxes sometimes really go the extra mile for a saucy lil side-splittin' snicker, and this one made in Chicago in 1941 by H. Fishlove & CQ is certainly no exception. 


  1. Just tie up the package, no need for tape, apply a 1¢ and 1/2 ¢ stamp and off to the mailbox or post office- boy, it was another time back then.

    I wonder how many postal inspectors or Postmasters allowed this gift to go through the mail back then. Today, it would be considered a harmless gag gift, back then it might have led to a federal investigation.

    Another time capsule from the past showing that gag gifts were not a new idea originated from the 1970's.

  2. I like the art inside the box. Reminds me a little of Joe Shuster's work.

    I'd love to see you find a doll that bra will fit.

  3. Haha, already thought about that, but it's sewn in a way that it can't even be slipped over a doll's shoulders, unfortunately...

  4. Something is missing. Note sure what!

    The mis-named comedy item in a box is pretty much legion at this point. How many variations were churned out? I love each and every new one you manage to find!
