Thursday, May 16, 2024

Whats'a Matter(horn) with You?

One of my better old photo finds this week while digging around the dimly lit, dusty corners of forgotten antique malls, was this 1961 Disneyland Matterhorn ride photo opp, complete with original envelope and die-cut window display. These happy people climbed to the very tippy-top of one of Walt's scarier snow covered mountains, survived the dangerous twists 'n turns of the path as well as the Yeti attack, and still managed to have a great photo of their adventure taken as well! Haha, where are they now? And why on Earth did they not hang onto this insanely wonderful snapshot?! I guess I could'a / should'a hung onto this and posted it next month on the 27th, eh?


Brian Barnes said...

I love the hands on this, their size and general sausage like feel -- that's prime old Disney right there.

MrSteven said...

While guest never "climbed" the Disney peak, clearly the photo was all in good fun. I did run across this article about one of the professional climbers who scaled the attraction 300 times over the years. He was actually given a plaque last October.
My favorite quote "“In the summertime it’s blistering hot,”

Article HERE:

Mr. Cavin said...

Somehow I'm really thrilled that all the Alpine figures are dressed like men even though surely most of the foursomes who posed for these were families. I wonder if there were more templates to choose from? If so, I really appreciate that this family chose this one. I kind of want to see a lot more photos from this attraction, frankly. Because this is amazing.