Monday, May 27, 2024

Points of Interest

With summer 2024 just a few weeks away, it's time once again for AEET to present you with a few perky "points of interest" to look over, uh, for the more adventurous among you! Yes, it's definitely peak season for vacationers who enjoy grand views in a sizzlin' Daytona Beach setting. And okay of course this is just another excuse for me to post another silly old novelty gag box gift-- but of even greater interest (I might equally point out), is the red image inside the box (under the rubber boobs, fellas!) which is clearly swiped from one of the most famous calendar photographs of all time. CLICK HERE for more about it, if you're not immediately recognizing it for some reason...


  1. I have seen many souvenir items with the tourist trap's name on them, with the intent of making the name look like it belonged on the item. Not so here. The word Daytona Beach looks like it was written in as an afterthought. I know its only a novelty gag gift, but a cheap printed label slapped onto the box wouldn't have been that expensive.

    The 'points of interest' have that imperfect paint job often seen on Japanese manufactured toys back in the 1970's and earlier. The print job of Monroe's twin looks better than could be expected.

    All in all its a neat find that managed to escape the landfill and end up in the Museum of AEET. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wait, did this gag gift come with a blank box and whoever was selling it had to scribble in the location they were selling from? Got to appreciate the hustle!

    Not sure what that wild haircut on the lady on the front cover. It doesn't look like a style of any age and it's just strange, as if she was attacked by a sentient pair of murderous scissors. There's so many more appealing hair styles you could come up with!

    The boobs look like the side view of two snails.

  3. I like the woman on the cover, though. She looks like a plucky British volleyball player.

    Say, you did a pretty great job of coming up with the one angle from which the pitch of those rubber shapes kind of lines up with the angle of the illustration. Good eye!

  4. The words "Daytona Beach" may look scribbled on, but I assure you, they were most definitely printed on the box along with everything else on the lid... see how clever these novelty boxes can be?

    >you did a pretty great job of coming up with the one angle from which the pitch of those rubber shapes kind of lines up with the angle of the illustration

    Thanks, but I also assure you that was an unintended happy accident. Maybe my eye is like THE SHADOW and just knows!
