Saturday, March 9, 2024

March of the Mannequins!

Just because March Mannequin Madness has ended over at THOIA, doesn't mean the fun stops here at AEET! Yep, today is the perfect day for a perfect pair of hysterical tales featuring two of comicdom's most lovely ladies of the laffy pages, --magnificent Moronica from the August - September 1950 issue of The Kilroy's #25, followed by cutie pie, Katy Keene from the September 1947 issue of Pep Comics #63. Highlights include some really attractive artwork and comedic cartoon gags and timing from legends, Owen Fitzgerald and Bill Woggons, (natch!) and as mentioned, both tales not only feature mannequins, but both stories also contain important insight into what could happen when you simply borrow one from a local department store! Enjoy! :)


  1. I love Owen Fitzgerald, naturally. Page two of the Moronica story is just super--springy and funny with excellent colors. I think it's cute that she's reading a back issue of her own comic. I wonder if she thinks her antics are funny?

    I also think it's cute that the boys Woggons draws in Katy Keene are just as dolled-up and glamorous as Katy herself. Pretty sure these two use the same hair and makeup products. As for the dresses, I don't really like any of them (what is that, Red Sonja's prom dress?), and I fail to see how one might apply any of them to the paper doll without cutting that fancy new hairdo right off the shoulders. I do like the screwball idea of the parrot haunting the dressing mannequin, though. Holy Pazuzu! Now that's a demon possession!

  2. These two stories back to back show how important coloring can be.

    Both are light comedy bits; the top is more cartoonish but the bottom, while more realistic, certain has comedic faces (like the page panel on page 2.)

    But the top is bright; vibrant colors and everything pops.

    The bottom with all the gray scratchy stuff (like the bedspread on page 2 and Eddie's suit) just sort of fade into the background or make the panels really busy. It doesn't read as well as the top one.

    That's my overly analytic OCD style discussion for today!

  3. I had read several Moronica comics online, and this is one of the few times Moronica is portrayed with some common sense. Usually, she is portrayed as the stereotypical dumb blonde, a sister or cousin of the Three Stooges, only dumber.
    Owen Fitzgerald did a great job of good girl art.

    Katy Keene could be viewed as the Barbie comic of her day, which isn't a bad thing.
