Monday, November 6, 2023

Peace on Barrel

These kitchy, novelty water squirters from the 60's or 70's are fun little gag gifts from our groovy past. I've posted a few of them here at AEET before, HERE and HERE! This one though is a bit more psychedelic than our previous entries, highlighted by fab box art featuring some rock 'n roll hippies drinkin' too much beer, and thusly having to relieve themselves --on (a) barrel! Yep, you can peace on a barrel all you want, --but please refrain from poocing on it!


  1. How many of these gags did they squeeze out? It's pretty amazing to the think of the work that went into this gag gift: the artwork, the sculpting, the pump, etc.

    Seems like that would be a fun job!

  2. Yeah there's some super hand lettering on that box. too. I think I like the actual sculpt little better than the portrait this time (a rarity for me!), but it may only be because I know a guy who looks just like that--pouty baby face, blond beard, round glasses, the works.
