Thursday, June 8, 2023

Chuck Wagon Squeaker '75

If you're as old as me and remember the classic Chuck Wagon dog food commercials from the 70's (see 'em HERE!), then maybe you'll also be as surprised as me to discover that in 1975, Ralston Purina actually made a rubber squeak toy of the little prairie schooner, complete with a bushy mustached driver and two gallopin' horses kickin' up a load of dust! Yep, I had no idea that this thing ever even existed until now (hey, I can't know about everything!) --and boy, isn't it a beaut! Still squeaks loud as all get out too!


  1. Yeah, I seem to remember something about kids being sort of universally depressed after gleefully opening the dog food bag only to *not* have some kind of Chuck Wagon to play with. I guess that's why they started making this? So children wouldn't sue for false advertising?

  2. I assume this is a dog toy (because of the squeaker and the kind of rubber it's made from -- though it's painted so who knows?) so it's pretty neat it survived in such a pristine condition, somebody must have collected it instead of feeding it to a dog who would have ripped this thing to shreds in about 8 minutes!

    The checks are a really decent paint job, too!

  3. I'm surprised The Purina Company didn't consider offering a model kit of the Chuck Wagon via Revell models, or offering a plastic toy wagon as a premium. Just a lost opportunity on their part, I guess.

  4. Fun! I loved those ads and always hoped they were real. Is the driver wearing a helmet? Or maybe that's supposed to be the brim of his big ol' hat pushed back by the wind.
