Friday, February 17, 2023

Loony Goon!

Napcoware made a ton of cute and funny figurines in the 60's, but none were more loony or goony than their line of monsterific Loony Goons! I believe there were 4 in all: a witch, vampire, werewolf, and this goony lil guy that I can't believe I found recently! Hand-painted ceramic, yarn hair, and standing about 5" tall, he is indeed the very definition of both loon AND goon! If you google NAPCOWARE LOONY GOON you'll be able to see all the others, but also be sure to check out the 60's Hallmark Contemporary Drolls cards featuring the insanely awesome (Coker-esque?) artwork that these goons are clearly based upon!


  1. Funny you said "Coker-esque" because I was just about to comment that it looks like a character from Mad Monster Party.

  2. Nothing to do with this, but I know you're local to me and was wondering if you saw this estate sale for tomorrow (2/17).
    Looks like some stuff up your alley and if nothing else, some more mannequins for your attic.

  3. I somehow missed these during that great decade of weird figurines. I dig the werewolf version the most.

  4. I could envision him as a pal to Milton the Monster and the rest of the ghoulish gang on Horrible Hill, or the Groovy Ghoulies.

  5. Whoa, never seen these before. How wild, ceramic and yarn hair. I love it!

  6. Yeah, these are very cool. I like the hunchback arms at hip pose, and the eyes looking up.

  7. More interesting 60's art finds up next-- thanks for the comments! :)

    TOM: I did know about the estate sale, a few of my friends went. Unfortunately I was busy all weekend elsewhere-- and then heard after it was over that it was actually kind of an overpriced bust anyway. Did you find anything?

  8. Yeah, I was a little disappointed in the sale as well. I got there about an hour after it opened and a lot of stuff was already gone. They were charing $90 for the mannequins. I saw someone walking around with a Styrofoam Frankenstein bust and asked him about it. He said there were more, priced at $5 each, but when I went back, they were all gone. The estate sale manager said there were about 10 of them, but were all snatched up pretty quick. I found a large mid-century mosaic dish, but that was it. No guarantees that it's haunted.
