Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Let's Play Valentines

January here at AEET looked more like THOIA with all of Mr. Karswell's funeral related projects and curiosities. So now with February being the month of love 'n cutes 'n woots 'n pa-tooties, let's get out the colorful old vintage Valentines and smooch things into gear with a magnificently masked mechanical munchkin from 1931-- yes, the same year that Frankenstein and Dracula were released to theaters! [Sorry! --Mr. K] The arm swings down, removing the mask to reveal the adorable cherub face beneath. Ain't she sweet? Personally signed "From Miss Amy" on the back, along with the original date to prove I ain't jokin'. Lots more from my personal vintage Valentine collection is on the way all this month-- along with a little bit of everything else, too! 


  1. That's a really great card. Well constructed and with cute art. It looks for all the world like that kid is wearing a costume of her own darn self for Valentine's Day.

  2. Yikes! Put the mask back on! That's a "possessed by old one" face if I've ever seen it!

    The printing on that is really nice, lots of color (what's left from the age) and everything is registered right. Pretty cool!

  3. >that kid is wearing a costume of her own darn self

    Hahaha yes it does

    >That's a "possessed by old one" face if I've ever seen it!


    Lots more Valentines coming up all month long... I'll try to find some that aren't too scary for Brian
