Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Mystery of the Glowing Ghost!

If you're looking for some silly, supernatural, Saturday matinee style shenanigans, then you came to the right place! So let's follow one of Atlas comics' most underrated crime-reporting teams as they head out to the creepy countryside in search of a spooky story. This was a fun series that only lasted 4 issues total unfortunately, but good 'ol reliable artist, Vernon Henkel, made the most of these adventurous escapades, especially when things took a turn for the eerie, --as in todays haunted mansion mystery from the December 1949 issue of Casey - Crime Reporter #3


  1. This one contains multiple mysteries to solve, multiple bad guys, and multiple solutions! Was the writer dying and needing to get all his story ideas out in one last dump?

    It's amazing how resilient our two reports are -- almost killed by a fungus, then hit with a pipe wrench (!!!), then dumped in a well! I think I might be giving up on a mystery at that point!

    I'd like to see more from this series!

  2. I love it! Breezy, plucky, and a little bit complicated, just the way paranormal procedurals oughta be. Parts I dig: One, Anne going after Zeke with the dust gun (hey, was that ammo deadly spores? Is that why the old codger died so fast even though he'd been living in that room for decades?); two, page three panel three--I just love it when the comic story pats itself on the back: "Say, this is a pretty terrific panel ain't it?"; three, the middle of page four--yeah, I figure the light blue got leached out of this thing over time and mileage, but I really like the look of these frames (and the well scene later) without any color besides the heroes' red and blue raincoats.

    "If you're looking for some silly, supernatural, Saturday matinee style shenanigans, then you came to the right place!"

    That describes me to a T.
