Saturday, December 24, 2022

Hot Rod Santa

I guess right about now, Santa is hot roddin' around the Earth and deliverin' many a special gift to all the good little boy and girls. And per the vintage wheeled tree mobile I found recently, I'm guessing the sleigh and reindeer are taking a breather this year while jolly 'ol St. Nick keeps things grounded, and instead puts the pedal to the metal, takin' it to the streets, burnin' rubber, and etc etc. Happy holidays everyone, we'll see you all again next week with more post-present posts and maybe even a few other year end surprises! And apologies about the no follow-up to the Fuller Brush catalog (as mentioned in the previous post), my scanner is unfortunately toast...


  1. Dang. A dead scanner is a pretty Grinch-y Christmas surprise, man. I mean, were we all naughty or something? This needs some holiday miracle-ing, stat!

    I like that Santa car, but I'd like it better if it had a sexy Weiand chrome intake belching fire from under the hood.

  2. PS: Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Bon Yule, Long Weekend--whatever applies! Hope everybody has a wonderful holiday!

  3. That's what Santa needs for Christmas -- road rash when he goes flying off that thing!

    Happy Holidays to my favorite blog/blogger!

  4. Move over Run-Run Reindeer, here comes Speed Demon Santa (I wonder if the Krampus is the mechanic on that thing?)

    Sorry to hear about the scanner, maybe there will be an after Christmas sale on scanners out your way.

    Happy holidays Karswell.
