Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Evil Eye

Time to get rollin' with some ominous October posts already, and we'll get this 'ol eyeball a'seriously rollin' round in its socket, (via the September 1952 issue of Black Cat #39), with something leerin' in your ghastly general direction... making you ponder whether I require a stronger eye glass prescription... or am I simply giving you a cursed glare with--


  1. My black cat doesn't have the evil eye but he certainly has the evil squeaky meow demanding attention RIGHT NOW. That's probably worse!

    I love the underwater evil eye panel, that'd make a great black light poster!

  2. Yeah, that last panel is super.

    And the first panel is interesting, too. What does that evil Egyptologist want with a whole mummy family? I mean mom and dad, sure, I can see all sorts of uses for them. But junior? What could an archeologist Svengali want with him?

  3. I'll go ahead and mention the black cat panel which obviously seems illustrated by Rudy Palais --in case anyone missed those trademark sweat beads a'flyin'!

  4. --also, the mummy panel seems obviously illustrated by whoever did the cover for Witches Tales #4 (July 1951)

    check it:

  5. Karswell: Agreed on both counts. Good catch on the mummy art!
