Monday, March 28, 2022

Barbie Sings! + Colorforms Dress-Up Set

We wandered into the realm of the gruesome supernatural for the last few posts, now it's time to sashay into something a bit more on the sunny side of blondes. The 8-page, Barbie Sings! record was a fun sing 'n read book from 1961, loaded with beautiful artwork and 6 great songs --which you can listen to right HERE! And be sure to CLICK HERE to see the original TV commercial, it's super cute and features some nifty animation too! And if that's not enough, how about a peek at the Barbie Dress-Up Colorforms set from 1977! Who says Barbie ain't for boys?


  1. While those Barbie Colorforms are really great--and a hip modern take on the ole paper dolls model--nothing beats a booklet full of early sixties Barbie commercial water color art. I think "Recipe for instant Love" is my fave.

  2. This is great, a glimpse to a simpler time for boys and girls when playing with dolls and action figures was the norm instead of the symbiotic relationship kids have with cell phones nowadays.

    Yes, there were problems back then, but there was much more hopefulness and optimism in the hearts and minds of kids back then. The future seemed so bright for the youngsters of decades past, when anything seemed possible- space tourism, flying cars, robots to prepare meals, etc. Of course, we are not quite there yet, though in the 50's and 60's it seemed so close to reality for everyone, while today it is reality if you have the money to buy the futuristic items.

    Anyway, it is great to see this, Barbie's first record. It might not have sold enough to be a gold record, but for those who had this in their childhood, it was golden.

  3. The booklet illustrations are in the style of those in Redbook magazine articles of the period. Quite sophisticated for the teen market. I'll check out the songs.
    Never cared about Barbie, but damned if this wasn't a little treasure.

  4. Barbie sounds much older than I ever imagined.

    I love it the images in the record book! And the Colorforms is amazing!

  5. I can't give over that robotic stare -- no matter what she's wearing, she's always looking up and over to the right, I assume waiting for the UFO in the comet.

    I like that there's a sporty look here, that's relatively progressive, even as late as 77.

    Barbie's a late bloomer is she's dreaming about her first date!

  6. Pretty cool, but I have an LP with cuts from Barbie,Pac-Man & The Pink Panther. It's rather great.
