Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Savory Ways

Because of Thanksgiving, November is typically the month I pull out the 'ol midcentury cook books (this one a freebie from Heinz), and share some fun key art that so typically highlighted these helpfully wonderful glimpses into our tasty past. The food looks great and sounds delicious, but let's focus on the beautifully rendered, though unfortunately uncredited illustrations, where everyone seems incredibly happy to be spending endless hours in the kitchen, and slaving over hot stoves in their cute lil chef hats and high heels. What's on your holiday menu this year?


  1. I 100% looked this cute and cheerful when I made Thanksgiving dinner last month, the time Canadians have it!

  2. These are great. I think I like the "Desserts" couple best, but there are so many great ones to choose from. I'm also pretty impressed with the "ketchup red" spot color on he cover. I mean, I know the brand is riding on its image and all, but they really nailed it.

  3. This style of illustration reminds me of my mother's cook books and always brings up warm memories.
    "Soup as a Soup" sounds vaguely philosphical and makes me laugh.
    Dig the swagger of the cat in the trilby with the upturned moustache. Is that a soup-drenched pizza in his mitt?

  4. So cute!! I love the woman blindly pouring canned soup into a pot. She seems so thrilled to be doing such a mundane task. Prob cause she’s wearing high heels ;)

  5. "Sauces" and "Bread" really looks like they are figuring out where to put the poison!

    And honestly, if you mix soup like "Soup Mergers" you should be on TV, that's quite the skill!

  6. I hope the guy posing in the very last image is singing those words in falsetto, and if he isn't -- he is now!

    Thanks for all the great comments, I'll have more food related posts all throughout the month.

  7. I have this one too. I love the graphics on these vintage recipe flyers.
