Friday, November 26, 2021

The End of the World Meets The Moon Monster

Those of you that grew up reading silver age comics are sure to remember the classic "Moon Monster" mail order ad. This giant, life-size, 6 foot tall space creature (that sort of resembled a sci-fi version of the conjured fire beast from Night of the Demon 1957) was in actuality a poster, and yours absolutely FREE by joining the Monster Fan Club for only a buck. You also received 3 cool masks and some other neato stuff, but yeah, that hairy, horny, warty faced thing from another world was really something! And now thanks to Monstarz, you can actually own your very own, limited edition, hand painted, 3D resin maquette version of him! He's not 6 foot tall unfortunately, (they also left off his warts for some reason), but he looks mighty mean staring back at me from my shelf! CLICK HERE for more info and to order yourself one ASAP before they sell out. And in the meantime, let's take a look at another macabre moon related classic from comics legend, Basil Wolverton, and the August 1951 issue of Marvel Tales #102. It is Friday Frights again, after all!


  1. I think I'm good with removing the warts, the thing is, in the photo, his head looks both hairy and warty, and I suspect they just went with hairy. It's a great sculpt! I love the tongue and the bloodshot eyes! He's such a cool mismatch of monster bits, hair, scales, talons, etc.

    That's a fun comic I've seen a number of times. Wolverton might not be to everybody's taste but when it came to spaceships and monsters, he was awesome. I especially like how good he was at drawing bad people, they always looked evil from the get go, and that works well for these morality tales.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Basil Wolverton, like Steve Ditko and Lou Cameron, had a style and look that few could match, let alone exceed.

    The Moon Monster (Moonster?) has that crazy 50's sci fi horror look to it, something you would see on a late-night horror movie, with or without a horror host.

    Another great find, Karswell.

  3. "The natives, who are similar to ourselves, are friendly, and should be easy to overcome!"

    Well that's just chilling. I'm not quite as pessimistically misanthropic as Wolverton comes off in this story, but I think that he's largely nailed the essence of civilization's evolution in just one peppy news bite.

    One of my very favorite things about that Moon Monster is his moon base. I think he's standing somewhere near the south pole. He'll look right side up to New Zealanders. You could always just make his warts yourself with green Play-Doh balls...

  4. We might take a look at a few more sci-fi horror tales before the month is up, --stayed riveted to your rockets, and thanks for the comments!

  5. Nice finger placement, karswell
