Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Rolly Crump's Moulin Rouge '62 Matches

Where did fall go? Is it winter already?!! BRRRRR!!! Feels like it. Time to light a fire, which means digging out these magnificent Moulin Rouge '62 long wooden matches I found recently. All 6 sides of the box are beautifully decorated with some very groovy artwork, highlighting a handful of the most entertaining nightlife areas in Paris, France. And don't worry, I'm not really going to waste these vintage matches on lighting a fire. I'm not really even gonna light a fire. *turns up thermostat.

***UPDATED*** Artwork by the great, Rolly Crump! Thanks to those who messaged me about it... (and how I didn't figure this out myself is a real brain lapser as I'm an insanely huge Crump fan!)


  1. Getting a serious "Richard Williams Sixties movie title sequence" vibe here.


  2. All these years I've been using a boring lighter every morning for my fires. Now I feel like at the very least I need to make a fun box to keep it in!

  3. My favorite is the orange haired bohemian guy, the crazy look on his face and cool artistic styling of the beard.

    Those matches are actually really pretty themselves, I love the muted pastel colors.

  4. Cafe Tobac guy is so cute he could be a playing card model.

  5. You have a great blog here. I am just beginning to explore it. Very good work.

  6. Being partial to redheads, I have to go that direction myself! Glad everyone enjoyed the post! Friday Frights is up next again already-- yep, no reason to stop the horror show just cuz October is over, of course.

    And welcome aboard, Lacey, --enjoy the archive! :)

  7. Anyone notice the letters around the top spell out 'Pissoir'?

  8. Haha, well I guess after you’re finished with all the matches you can use the tube as a urinal!

  9. This is by the great Rolly Crump! Got to be worth a fair bit of money.

  10. Post updated! Thank you, Casper, --as well as to the anonymous Disney collector that emailed me too
