Monday, October 11, 2021

VAMPIRES #1 Skinner Cover Variants

Speaking of vampires, dig these new VAMPIRES #1 Skinner variant covers-- you know you want 'em! Be sure to get in on these limited edition covers by checking out our Kickstarter page HERE which includes updates on Mr. Karswell's deadly debut one-shot with Asylum Press, PLUS other information on new related incentives (like our upcoming precode comic book cover postcard set) as well as all the other great Asylum Press horror releases! 

And for a deeper, darker look into the mad mind of awesome artist Skinner --CLICK HERE!


  1. Great illustration and colors. This would make a fantastic black light poster.
    It's the bleeding eyes that do it for me.

  2. It's a gorgeous illustration! And I, for one, always appreciate seeing a vampire who fears the cross -- peeves me that there's been a bit of a trend for a while to have the vamps just laugh it off. In which case, I'd love to see somebody shove one down their throat instead. Oh, you don't fear the cross anymore? C'mere—I can still make it hurt. Promise. 😊

  3. Doc Briar got in before me, but yeah, this thing screams black light poster. It's probably light up an entire room!

    The spider webs are a nice touch for a background that fills in the space but isn't busy enough to distract from the foreground. Nice job, Skinner!

  4. Everyone take a look at Skinner's link, tons of great work there to discover-- and he might just become your new favorite artist! More updates on the VAMPIRES #1 release as I get 'em... stay tombed!
