Wednesday, September 8, 2021

More Mannequin Madness

I did a super fun trade this week and acquired some cute vintage kiddie Halloween costumes (a tiger and Zorro!), as well as two stunning vintage mannequin display heads. The first is a Fashion Tress, Inc. beauty from the 1960's, with gorgeously painted eyes and real eyelashes. Wanting to get a better idea of what she would / could look like without her bald head throwing everything outta whack, I put the tiger costume cap on her and voila! --she instantly became the awesome, vintage Tigra cigarette girl! And yes, I do believe this is the way she's probably going to look for as long as she's in my possession. The other mannequin head is apparently from the early 80's and has painted eyes and real eye lashes as well. The bottom of the base says Garland L.A. and she was made in Korea. She will either get a nice looking wig or something similarly kitschy cool as the tiger cap, (I'm still trying to figure her out.) So in the meantime, the fabulous Fashion Tress girl gets todays perfect post spotlight! Everyone, please say hello to Tigra!


  1. Maybe the disgruntled 80s mannequin should get the Chester cheetah hat

  2. The 80s head looks like it's thinking "damn it, not this nonsense again, Karswell!"

  3. "Throwing everything outta whack"? No way! She looks like Persis Khambatta from the first Star Trek movie! Well, at least the Korean lass does. Rowr.

    I think she'd look great in a Catwoman mask, à la Enid from Ghost World.

  4. It's not that I have anything against bald babes, I just like hair, long and straight and lots of it-- the more the better, tbh.

    And I guess if they didn't have real eyelashes I'd probably do some kind of mask on one of them, but it kind of defeats the point covering 'em up, I think, unless I find something with large enough eyeholes
