Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Jiggs Day Fishgetters

From one of my prettier packaging entries in our last post, to what is easily the grossest thing I've ever purchased in my life (for the vintage label art!), this funky old, rusted-out jar of Jiggs Day Pork Frog, (*urp!) aka "Nature's Best Fishgetters" is still chock full of the chopped-up stuff that fish apparently love, and that would be, I guess, pork frog?!! Eeek! Uhh, so do fisher people actually touch this stuff with their hands?! Oh god. Anyway, I love the little fisherman and the mermaid, plus the other assorted cute underwater detail art on the label, but seriously, if you have a weak stomach, DO NOT scroll down beyond the third image scan below or you might receive a prompt return visit from the last meal you consumed. I have no idea how old this shit is either, it's kind of freaking me out even having it now. There are 6 frogs in there, or whatever they've possibly mutated into by now, all these many decades later. The rusty metal lid is starting to slowly turn on its own somehow... something inside wants out... AIEEEEE!


  1. I had to look this up. These are pork rinds cut and dyed to resemble frogs or crayfish. Now that we know, they are,...disgusting.

  2. I don’t know man, some of the hunks clearly have frog wart texture— I can see it *urp! right through the glass!

  3. You bought it for the boob, didn’t you.

    I, personally, would have purchased it for the words pork frog. That is so fab I can barely take it

    I honestly can’t believe that stuff hasn’t snuck out of the jar and gotten you in the middle of the night yet

  4. give it a chance, CPC— I just got it a few hours ago.
    (If you don’t hear from me after today— it got me!!!)

  5. Please, don't open that jar! One planetary biohazard crisis is enough!

    Save the label if you can, but bury that jar, horrors and all, in a lead lined concrete vault at least six feet deep.

  6. Whoa, that's weird. I was just recently standing right outside a bait shop on a NC pier, waiting in the bathroom line. I never realized what kind of amazing(ly weird) things might be for sale inside. For the record, pork skin molded into frag corpses is two icks grosser than it should be. I do love the red and blue mermaid.

  7. That fish is having a good chuckle because he knows what's coming next, the topless mermaid is going to pull ol' Jiggs into the water, then she'll crack open and reveal the monstrous row of teeth and chew off Jiggs' head, and later hatch whatever is in the jar.

    Product of the USA my butt, that's a product of the dark underworld!

  8. I'm very familiar with the struggle over buying a can or jar for it's label despite its contents, but this by far surpasses any I've ever bought. My hat is off to you, sir.

  9. '6 Frogs'
    I live on the West Coast (!) of Canada, and we only get 4 frogs. Unless they're bootlegged, I call shenanigans!
