Thursday, June 24, 2021

Mid Century Jantzen Mannequin (PART TWO)

More photos of my mid century Jantzen mannequin, and unlike the previous post pix of her, these depict her skin tone and overall condition / quality a bit better once I got her out of the harsh brightness of the over exposed, summer sun-lit antique mall parking lot. Here we find her cleaned-up a bit, and still outdoors, but in a more natural, subtly shaded setting (my front porch.) And though you can more clearly see the damage and imperfections brought upon by careless previous ownership and age, the flesh and other random paint colors of her face and hair are much more correct. I particularly love how her eyes are painted, and her perfect profile is to die for! I guess if there's one thing that all of us can take away from these photos, it's that arching Vampira eyebrows should never go out of style. Ever.


  1. Omigosh, I had missed the previous post and had no idea that you're currently hoarding this beauty, Mr. Karswell!!! :D She is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I've said it before, I'll say it again -- you find THE best stuff!! Good thing we're not neighbours..... you'd turn your back for two seconds and oops! I guess she walked off by herself somewhere..... ;P She would be SO lovely with sexy painted on lingerie!

  2. Lol! I’m actually struggling to decide what to do with her tbh… keep her as is, or try to restore some of the uglier bumps ‘n bruises. Whatever I decide, I’m sure I’ll eventually post about it and the process!

  3. Oh man I love all the imperfections! I think she just needs a sexy outfit and necklace

  4. That’s your answer for everything! haha

  5. My mannequin, while not as old (70s/80s), I know was patched up by the lady that previously owned her, who was a collector of mannequins. I don't know if it required any super special skill, but she did a really good job (I know she repaired the fingers.). So they are definitely fixable (I assume that's fiberglass?)

    Get her in "shapemakery" shape again!

  6. This thing sure is great for sure. I think, if there was no resale value to worry about, that I'd just laminate her in matte clear-coat and leave her as-is. That would prevent her from getting any more dinged-up, but minimize the risk that I might smudge her up or somehow boink any restoration process.

  7. I reckon she's clearly based on Esther Williams??
    Yes, I know what she looks like...damn you, TCM!
