Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Slap Jack '65

 It's been awhile since we've seen a fun card game around here, and if you thought the 60's art in the last post was cute, wait'll you see these kooky lil kiddos! From Western Publishing in 1965, Slap Jack is basically the card game of War with its own unique little visual twist (instructions at the end of the post.) Studious Steve says that you should print out 4 cards each on sturdy card stock paper, cut 'em out, shuffle 'em up, and slap your jacks until your hearts content! Don't cry, or be bashful, and definitely please do not turn green with envy --it's fun for all, after all!


  1. OK, this game is going to result in a lot of twisted fingers, with everybody attempting to slam their hands down at the same time! I think this game might be a little chaotic!

    The art reminds me of the kind of art you'd see on cute hallmark cards, etc. Jack is obviously the best image, I love his little robin-hood-by-jester look!

  2. Oh I remember this well. So cute. Western made a similar deck for Crazy Eights, right?

  3. This is like a squeaky-clean version of the Garbage Pail Kids two decades before the fact!

    Western Publishing were the fine folks behind Gold Key comic books.

  4. Another great find, Karswell. I'd forgotten about this game.
    Do you think Jack & the kids are cousins of Goofus and Gallant?

  5. There needs to be a "Wonderful Wendy" card. Just sayin'.....

  6. Haha. Twice as many characters would have definitely been preferred!

    So yeah, basically this is the game of Bloody Knuckles played with cards instead of a hard plastic pocket comb —definitely prefer that as well! :) Friday Frights up next— bring a clean pair of Underoos!
