Monday, March 22, 2021

Bottled Emotions: Claustrophobia

Here's something rare that I saw the other day. Produced by toy maker extraordinaire, Marvin Glass in 1965, "Bottled Emotions" were the living, human personifications of emotions, (similar to MAD's Horrifying Cliches articles), --only this time they're trapped inside of a clear bottle. Very clever, eh? I researched these funny little hand painted figurines a bit online and found a few different ones, including: Anxiety, Vanity, and Greed... there may be more, but our subject today is the one emotion of them all that seems to be the worse for wear in his current state of claustrophobic imprisonment. Swing hard, lil buddy --good luck getting the heck out of there!


  1. Wow, never seen these, that's a really cool idea. And the execution is excellent, too, you can really see the mental anguish in our poor guy.

    I assume the "glass" is plastic (maybe?), it's too bad it got that cloudy.

    Let the poor guy out, Karswell! Super next toy!

  2. Oh, goodness, I love it! And now all I can think of is Bride of Frankenstein, and suddenly I'm somewhat determined to make a homunculus for my studio desk.

    Just call me Dr. Pretorius! (No, actually maybe don't. Guy was an a**hole. A brilliant a-hole, but an a-hole nonetheless. ;P)

  3. I like this. Is Ambivalence half in the bottle?

  4. This is marvelous. So clever! I haven't ever seen any of these before, either--and now I really want a peek at the whole catalog.

  5. I wouldn't let him out, he might be a cousin to the jinn who once freed vowed to destroy the one who freed him. Either that or he will spread his claustrophobic fear to all who meet him.

  6. Didn't know Portugal was a source for such things!
    He REALLY wants out, and I can't blame him.

  7. I'm actually selling off some of the items that I've been finding lately, so if anyone is interested in this Bottled Emotion just drop me a line at ...and FYI while this is most certainly not in mint condition, it's in much better shape than the one currently on eBay for $225.00!

    Thanks for the comments too! :)

  8. Really terrific, Mr. Karswell!

    An old trick that I have used is to rub vaseline into the fogged plastic and polish it with a very soft cloth. It may help some with the fogging.
