Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Johnson Smith & Co. Catalogue '37

It's always fun to see vintage xmas catalog posts around the web this time of year. Heck, I used to do posts just like 'em in the early years of this blog as well --just check the AEET archives. So, instead of going back only a half century to the 50's - 70's like I used'ta, let's go way way waaaay back to 1937 and dig into my 575 page, Johnson Smith and Company catalogue of "Surprising Novelties, Puzzles, Tricks, Joke Goods, Useful Artifacts, Etc..." with an emphasis on fan dancers, cartoon characters, the occult, and basically just all things in general that makes Mr. Karswell happy. Some of you may even remember that I actually found a few of these things below, or things very similar, just last summer. Yep, today's assorted sampling really is just the tip of an amazing iceberg avalanche of ancient goodness from this catalog, and I'll be posting much more from it all throughout 2021 as well! Now who among you will take a time machine back to the 30's (with just a mere pocketful of loose change to boot!) and buy the rest of these things for me? Only two more days until xmas-- better get time machining!


  1. I'll bet you anything that if someone still had one of those "Mysterious Ghost" skeletons hanging around, it would STILL glow! Lord knows what they might have coated it with back then.

    And I would absolutely keep one of those lady's leg combs on my dresser -- forget novelty, it's cute! (And now I'm gonna go see if I can find one on eBay... ;P)

  2. You found Felix and the dancing girl! I had no idea they were from 1937. Neat you have the original ads for them.

  3. It was a good summer of finds! :) Hope to score those fan dancers and that devil in the rosebud thing— and especially the yogi head cutter trick too. Oh speaking of, here’s a vid of it in action:

  4. Thanks for the video, I love the very simple illusions like the head cutter.

    I assume "The naked truth" is another in the line of mouse trap like devices. I've never actually had any one of those, I wonder how painful they were?

    It's nice to see fart jokes are timeless!

    Happy Holidays, Karswell!

  5. It was pretty easy to find the Hotsy Totsy Fanny Dance flip-book demonstrated via video, too. Man, it always amazes me what all is available online.

    If I'm reading this post right, the proper steps to take are, first, to purchase the Pop Eye Bank for three nickels, and then fill 'er up with dimes. By the time that bank pops back open again, I'll have more than enough to start a whole library of Forbidden Knowledge and pick up a couple dozen Mysterious Ghosts, to boot.

  6. I believe with the Book of Forbidden Knowledge you could pick as many mysterious ghosts (real and not so real) as you wish-- along with everything else in the catalogue, as well as in the universe ;)

    As mentioned, I'll post a lot more from this catalogue in 2021, thanks again for the comments and here's another wish for a happy holidays to each and every one of you! A Dickens of a tale up next-- stay tombed!

  7. Merry Christmas, Karswell (And Everyone Else, Too)! Have a safe and peaceful Yule and a rollicking, far superior Brand New Year, too!
