Friday, November 6, 2020

Report Card

 Well, the votes are still out, but the grades are in, with this fun, and very tiny, vintage prize booklet from an old box of Cracker Jacks. I suppose the real point of this was to grade your friends in all areas of school learning, as well as how good you were at chewing gum in class, or eating your lunch. Shy boys or girls could even give their crush an A+ on good looks and then during recess simply slip it into their Trapper Keeper without saying an actual word to them! Ain't that cute?


  1. Cracker Jack prizes were so fun back then. My favorites where the mini bagatelle games. I don't think you even get a prize anymore, do you? I sure wouldn't buy it for the popcorn. Crunch 'n Munch is better.

  2. Great, I don't chew gum, so that's not going to offset my F in "Good Looks!"

  3. That is a very unfortunate nose... lol.

  4. I'm not a fan of Cracker Jacks either. I actually got a box in my xmas stocking about 3 years ago and tried them for the first time in like 35 years and still found them to be overwhelmingly ho hum. There was a prize though, a temporary tattoo. But yes, Crunch 'n Munch and Screaming Yellow Zonkers-- now there's some good popcorn treats!

    Haha, that is indeed the most unfortunate nose of all time-- even Brian Barnes has a better one!

  5. Trapper Keeper? Don't you mean PeeChee?

  6. I can't imagine the face I woulda made if I'd scratched through sticky clumps of stale popcorn only to dig out a @#$% report card. What, they run out of electric bills? Traffic tickets?

    But I can see the prank value of Borden factory workers filling these out before slipping them into the packages. "You get an F-minus in lunch, Lil Buddy!"
