Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Trick 'r Treaters in the Haunted House

 A neato vintage Halloween find recently that comes with both good and bad news. THE GOOD: this vintage 60's or 70's decoration set featuring a spooky old house with an assortment of awesomely costumed kids prowlin' the night for treats is probably one of the coolest and cutest things I've found in the last few years. THE BAD: the set is unfortunately missing all of the cutely illustrated trick 'r treaters, and only contained the haunted house --which was also dreadfully overpriced for being so aggravatingly incomplete! Needless to say, I didn't even buy it-- BUT! I took a bunch of pictures of everything as it appears printed, though very tiny, on the packaging cover. 



  1. Oh man, bummer. The trick-or-treaters are all really great, too (loving that li'l devil the most, I think). Yet again, I love all the surprised little eyes floating around in the dark parts of the house. I want a fancy Taschen coffee table picture book with pages and pages of haunted house cartoons.

  2. I don't blame you for passing up on overpriced items, Karswell.

    Some sellers mistakenly believe they can get top dollar for their items, but bidiots can only be found on online auction sites, not in the real world.

    Great pics, cute trick or treaters. The tykes have that 1950's/1960's Halloween feel to them, must be the home made costumes they are wearing.

  3. Those are cool! Such fun art.

  4. Man those kids in masks are super cute! Esp the baghead kid and the one who's sitting down with his mask pulled up on top of his head. Thanks for taking a pic of them!!

  5. My fave is the kid in his dad's shirt who cut out eye holes in his dad's old hat, haha... and of course any chocolate mouthed kiddo that's eating the candy before getting home without first checking for razor blades. Yes, Halloween should always be an adventure with an underlying current of danger, I always say! ;)
