Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Haunted House Mobile

We're on the supernatural highway to Halloween Hell all this weird week, so buckle up tight cuz we're putting the petrifying pedal to the macabre metal of madness with another doomed detour into 70's DC horror! From the joltin' January - February 1974 issue of Secrets of Sinister House #16, with excellent, eerie art by Ernie Chua!   


  1. Awesome! Ok but how did she get the trailer to change like that? Asking for a friend.

  2. These kind of stories always remind me of the elevator pitch or maybe the old EC way of throwing out stories ideas.

    How about ... a haunted mobile home? Boom! Now we've got a story!

    Great art, I love the miniature haunted house (though without seeing the transformation after the homeless guys saw it I was a little confused) and I love the ghost, especially emerging from her haunted house.

    This is a fun one!

  3. >Asking for a friend.

    LOL! I know damn well who you're asking for!!!

    >How about ... a haunted mobile home? Boom! Now we've got a story!

    I'm still waiting for a haunted FotoMat or Fox Photo story. Nowhere to run... nowhere to hide!

  4. The story made me think of The Addams Family mobile home featured in their comic and cartoon.

    A haunted mobile home- now there is a All Hallows haunted house no one had ever thought of before. The idea is workable provided the mobile home is a Class A RV, one the size of a bus. Sadly I lack the funds to buy such a vehicle.

  5. Wow, the first page of this thing is just like one a those pop-up Hallmark holiday decoration cards come to narrative life. This might have been the most acute "seventies kid" Halloween vibe I've gotten out a post-code spooker yet.

  6. >The story made me think of The Addams Family mobile home featured in their comic and cartoon


    And Mr C just called it— more seventies Halloween kid vibes coming up next— STAY TOMBED!

  7. I think the cover made it on Superdickery long ago. It looks familiar.

    Eloise seems to have enjoyed watching. Wonder if incorporeal ghosts have an advantage that way. Just think about it, the next time you're being, er, intimate with your significant other, you might have an audience!

  8. This one... *chef's kiss*

  9. Haha, is that your Pizza Hut Pete imitation? "Magnifico!"

  10. @Mr. Karswell Yes -- mustache and all! But with the ascot, not the bandanna. ;D
