Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Telephone Amplifier

I didn't buy this, but had to snap a few pix of it for you guys anyway. And somewhere in the back of my 70's memories I seem to remember a commercial for this thing but can't find it now. Boy, if ever there was a contraption that simply would not / could not exist within today's standards of technology, it's this thing! I do love that box art though, haha...


  1. Can you hear me now?

    I've actually seen these in action before.

    Really enjoying your blog.

  2. The thing I love about the illustration is it seems the woman is actually thinking "so THAT'S what they've been saying all these years!"

  3. I wonder what happens if you put it on the wrong end of the phone? Does it feedback? Can it double as a horse feedbag?

    Thanks for the comments! :)
