Friday, September 25, 2020

$illy $avers Bite Beer Can Bank

Yesterday was my lucky day to find a Wacky Packages-esque $illy $avers Bite Beer can bank, one of what appears to be 6 in all and from 1981-- CLICK HERE to find out more. A funny spoof on Miller Lite Beer and the Jaws film classic, this thing is twice as big as a regular beer can at 14" tall, (so you boozers out there don't need to crack a "we're gonna need a bigger beer" joke! Another funny detail is along the bottom and notes that the beer was brewed at P. Belch Brewing, Transylvania --which is certainly a long way from Amity Island! Yes sir, now I can really put my money where my ghastly, tooth-filled mouth is! 


  1. I also wonder if P. Belch was a poke at Peter Benchley, author of JAWS...

  2. The makers of Jaws missed out on a great tie in product.

    What was a gag back then is a reality today, namely Hammerhead IPA, land shark lager and (yes its a real product) Jaw-Some.

  3. I love it! And you can save so much more money than you can in regular-sized beer cans.
