Monday, August 31, 2020


Another dreadful month of 2020 is in the bag-- I honestly don't know how many more of these I can take-- but never fear, we'll see you all in September for lots more fun stuff to try and brighten the year up as we get closer to fall and Halloween season (yay!!!), and unfortunately voting season too, (barf!!) I found the perfect vintage postcard over the weekend that really sums things up...


  1. That postcard is the visual representation of every Monday ever.

  2. Yeah, it's really sucked how elections come along and screw up at least one out of every four holidays seasons for me my whole life. I guess it's the trade-off for having a birthday that (used to) regularly benefit from from the autumn time change. But still.

    Lovely card. The detail that I keep coming back to is this dude's pants. That's the capper. It ain't bad enough that they'll find my body strewn across the waterfall rocks, riddled with anaphylactic stings. No, my pants will also be around my ankles like some kind a clown. There will pictures of it all over the internet. Terrible.

  3. Thank you, this picture genuinely made me laugh!

  4. I have a different view of this. The guy is, secretly, bee-butt-man, who generates bees from his butt. He's using the bees to quickly build a nest to secure the tree so he can save the lady.

  5. Thanks for the smile! Here's to a great Fall!
