Wednesday, August 19, 2020

All in the Packaging

A quick word about how I choose one brand of say, cookie molds or decorator table covers over another brand. Does your product have a cute illustration on the packaging even though it's otherwise identical in every way, shape, and form to another product in a more generic package and minus a cute illustration? Then I will be picking the one with the cute package illustration, every time. Here are a few of my favorite recent finds for example:

Also, if I'm dropping off my film to be developed, (anybody still do this?!) does your return envelope contain a cute illustration on it while your competitors doesn't? Then you're getting my business!


  1. As a fellow packaging geek I totally concur. Even the illustrations of the spilled drink, thickness of layers, matching napkins, and garbage bag make the tablecloth packaging worthwhile to me. But those teeny hamburgers? And the grill master who looks like he just dropped a hit of acid? They put that tablecloth head and shoulders above any competition. For reals

  2. Trippin’ ‘n Grillin’ just might be the 2020 theme song we all need right now

  3. What you have posted, Karswell, is everyday art that is so easily ignored by many, but brightens up the world around us without most even realizing it.

    Thanks for raising our awareness of the artwork that can be found all around us.

  4. You’re mighty welcome! :)

  5. I remember that old Kodak processing art.

  6. I used to work at a photo-finishing place back in the mid-nineties, but we had bags of the totally boring variety: Illustrated with nothing but the order form on the front. And come to think of it, you did not once come in and do any business in that place. It's long gone now, and I think we can all pretty accurately infer why.
