Monday, July 13, 2020

"Like to hear it? Here it go..."

I found this wonderfully funny wind-up tin toy after venturing over into Illinois yesterday. He's in really good condition, and as you can see he's more than happy to strum up a lovely little ditty to make your mundane Monday just a little bit better.

After searching the web a bit for more info, we unfortunately didn't come up with much. What we did discover was that he's likely from the 1960's, and he was probably made in Japan. If you have more information on this guy, please let me know. FYI: There is another one currently on eBay but it's in pretty sad condition, wearing different clothes, welding a different guitar, no hat, missing an arm, and his pants apparently keep falling down, haha. Anyone interested CLICK HERE!


  1. Thank you so much for this! Anything that can make a Monday a little brighter is welcome, especially this Monday, the 13th of the month.
    Doubly especially since this Monday I had to go back to work after the shutdown. We are all wearing masks and working six feet apart at work, but there is still the concern of contracting Covid somehow.

    At least with Werewolves and vampires there are defenses from the creatures of the night, but this virus makes werewolves as harmless and as lovable as chihuahuas, vampires as harmless as moths. Give me an ol' werewolf or vampire any time over this crummy Covid.

    Stay safe all and thanks again Karswell!

  2. I can't quite determine if he's supposed to be a clown or not, but that's a pretty cool toy!

  3. Fantastic! I love Japanese robots! An unrelated note: Someday I am going to sit down in somebody's ride, glance at the dashboard, and be like, OMG, it's Karswell's car!

  4. I looked up the one offered on ebay and noticed the name Cragstan on the back, then I was able to find a bit of information on this guitar hero -

    from toy-garage, a site in japan

    Made by CRAGSTAN (Yonezawa toy) A funny guitarist's mainspring doll

    (translated form Japanese)

    Nowadays, Yonezawa Toys are supposed to have worked for exporting to American toy maker Krugstan. It is a wonderful gem with a big smile and a happy smile. When you turn the mainspring at the lower right, you will move forward in a rhythmic rhythm, but unfortunately this product does not move very smoothly. The face and body are made of soft vinyl, but the feet are carefully made by combining springs, cloth, and tinplate. Sponge is attached to the sole of the foot as a cushion, and I was impressed with the precise work. The letters "CRAGSTAN MADE IN JAPAN" are clearly engraved on the back. Please check the world-class Japan quality with your own eyes.

  5. > it's Karswell's car!

    Haha, don’t make me go all Billy Ocean on you now, Mr. C ;)

    Excellent detective work, JMR! Mine has absolutely no writing on it anywhere, and a bit of the translated description sounds materially different than mine, but I’m sure it’s still from the same maker. Thank you again! :)

  6. Glad to be of service, Karswell, and as always, thanks for sharing everything with us. Its greatly appreciated by viewers one and all.
