Sunday, May 31, 2020

70's Stuffed Cap'n Crunch

My big post-pandemic return to my favorite antique mall happened this weekend (wearing my mask, of course, and yes, I realize it's not over) and what do I find, you ask? Why, it's a stuffed Cap'n Crunch from the 70's! I love Cap'n Crunch cereal, and all of the various flavors too. Collecting the prize premiums over the years, and revisiting the wonderful Jay Ward animated commercials of the 60's and 70's is still something I do practically weekly, so it was quite the treasure to discover 'ol Cap waiting for me, in not only perfect condition-- but for only $3 to boot!

Did I mention he's over a foot tall? The date seems to vary depending on what tag you're looking at here, the original colorful paper Animal Fair, Inc. tag (yes, STILL attached to his arm) clearly says 1976, while the backside of fabric tag sewn to his leg says 1978.


  1. I had a couple of old, hard plastic cereal toys from that brand somewhere. Maybe. I'd have to go through a lot of junk, so let's just say they are lost!

  2. He is AMAZING! And what a bargain!

  3. Great find! Back in the day, my friends and I were Cap'n Crunch fanatics and loved the little strip of comics that came with it for a time. I remember them even having Cap'n Crunch cookies.

  4. That is a great find. I didn't know they even made this. I wonder if someone bought this and put it away to give to a child at a later time, but never managed to get around to it.

    Thanks for sharing this with us, we all need something to brighten our day, especially during these crazy days.

  5. I like his tighty-whities! Since it struck me as sort of odd, I though maybe this man's pants were off-model. But then what I discovered is that it seems like it's been decades since we even saw his lower bod on a cereal box. Good find!

  6. Oh yeah...loved Captain Crunch. I don't remember what year it came out, but I bought some and immediately loved the taste. The commercials were great, too.

    My dad worked for Quaker Oats Company in the fifties. At the same time other cereal companies were coming out with sugary cereals and they were kicking the Quaker's ass! They had shit like Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice, which tasted like nothing except the sugar I had to pour on them to get any taste at all. Dad asked his bosses why they didn't follow the lead of Post and Kellogg's and what he got back was, "Sugared cereals are a fad that won't last." Yep!
