Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Genuine Canned Florida Sunshine

Oh god... it's that time of year again, ain't it? Old man winter is just a few weeks away which means freezing temps, snow, ice, all the things that made early 2019 such a nightmare for many --me included! The cure for this, for some, is to go where the sunshine and warm weather is, and for so many of us here in the good 'ol USA it's Florida. But of course FL from MO is a 2 day drive (or an expensive plane ticket), so whilst stranded here in the midwest, the next best thing to do is just crack open a can of genuine Florida Sunshine. Some might say it's the "cure-all fix" they need to make it through the frigid months ahead. Others might think that one whiff is actually the reason we hear about so much bat shit craziness from down thar. Either way, this is a funny vintage novelty gift to give to someone who lives way, way up North, you know, to really rub it in-- the same way I did to my MO friends and relatives when I lived in southern California for 10 years back in '96 - '06.


  1. Not sure of the vintage here, but I guess fifties and sixties Florida Air would be much purer than later crops. Man, my grandfather was always wild about this kind of truck stop gag gift (electric corncobs, pet rocks, plastic mechanized coin-op piggy banks, Mexican jumping beans--I may have mentioned this before)--so I'm kinda surprised I didn't grow up with a couple of these. We sure had plenty of double-eraser pencils around the house. And rubber pencils. And pencils tied in knots....

  2. Please report back on what that old can smells like. I'm intrigued.

  3. >Man, my grandfather was always wild about this kind of truck stop gag gif

    Me too! Obviously, haha

    >Please report back on what that old can smells like. I'm intrigued.

    smells like an old can. D-

  4. Thanks! I was looking for this can of Florida sunshine so that I could explain it to my friends in PA.
