Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dogpatch U.S.A. Tin Cup ('75)

Last month you marveled at my Pappy bank HERE, and back in 2017 you drooled all over my Daisy Mae beach towel HERE-- well now try to contain yaw'selves over my Dogpatch U.S.A. tin cup! Yet another great 70's theme park souvenir highlighted by the tremendous art of Al Capp!


  1. That's a great find, and it doesn't look like it's dinged up at all. Only some paint scratches. It still hold water? I think I'd probably want to keep pens in an Al Capp cup anyway, frankly.

  2. Oooh nice! I'd be drinking tea out of that thing like a maniac!

  3. It still holds water and I'm actually using to to hold an assortment of old buttons, plastic figures, and other random gumball machine and Cracker Jack prize sized things.

    >I'd be drinking tea out of that thing like a maniac!

    You the MANIA!!!
