Thursday, November 28, 2019

End of the Line Thanksgiving + Carrie Fisher

The November 1980 issue of Jack and Jill Magazine has just 4 measly fun pages devoted to said month's holiday, Thanksgiving, (they're a pretty good 4 pages though!), so I thought I'd go ahead and round out the post with Princess covergirl, Carrie Fisher, and the one page article plus pin-up also featured inside! Have a great holiday everyone, and as always, eat irresponsibly, --and may The Force be with you!



  1. That one-line turkey drawing / puzzle is pretty neat. I'm not sure I've seen one of those before. I also really liked the illustration on the turkey gobble page. And also that cutiepie picture of Carrie Fisher on the cover, of course.

  2. >that cutiepie picture of Carrie Fisher on the cover, of course

    She looks more like Princess Pocahontas than Princess Leia in that cover shot, but I love it too! I'm especially fascinated by her hands in that photo... not sure why.

  3. Yeah! They're like evil puppet mistress hands!
