Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Terrific Ten

I thought I'd give you all a heads up about "The Terrific Ten" coming to NBC beginning September 9th. Yep, your Saturday mornings are just about to get a lot more colorful with a cool cavalcade line-up mix of cartoon classics, PLUS some brand spankin' new shows as well: Underdog, The Pink Panther, The Houndcats, Roman Holidays, The Barkleys, Sealab 2020, Runaround, Talking With a Giant, and Around the World in 80 Days!!! It's gonna be great-- so be sure to tune in this 1972!

Watch an episode of Talking with a Giant by CLICKING HERE! --and see if you can spot a very young Heather Thomas! :)


  1. Seems like the characters on the older, repeat shows are the only ones to be rendered even remotely "on-model". And no front image of ventriloquist dummy Jerry Mahoney? (Guess he didn't sign a release).

  2. I always sort of secretly dug these narrative funnybook ads, especially when they co-opted the characters of the comics they were actually in. I mean, when Spidey outwits an angry construction worker with a fistful of Hostess Fruit Pies, it's totally just the same as a TV commercial. But even though I totally hated those at the time, I still liked the comic book version. It was like a whole extra story! About snacks! (I like TV commercials much better now.)

    And I also liked many of the cartoons advertised here. But I don't remember the Roman Holidays or the Houndcats even the slightest little bit.

  3. Old enough to remember when the networks did Prime Time Specials to introduce the new lineups. Old enough to remember Ruff and Reddy. Old enough to ... Excuse me, I have to address some juveniles in regard to my lawn.

  4. Seems the person who colored this ad either had a black and white set or only had access to B&W stock images of some of the characters. Might explain why the Jetsons' colors are off.

  5. One question remains-
    If you could enter TV land, especially 1970's TV land, would you ever want to return to the real world?

  6. The only shows I'm not familiar with are Runaround, and Talking With a Giant... but I imagine in 1972 (I was only 5 after all), I probably turned the TV off and went outside the second the animated shows were over...

  7. And to answer JMR's question:

    >If you could enter TV land, especially 1970's TV land, would you ever want to return to the real world?

    Not on your life! Especially if I entered the world of Josie and the Pussycats ;)
