Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ultra Man Coin Op Bank

All the way from The Jungle Store in Saitama, Japan, comes the latest edition to not only my Ultra Man toy collection, but also to my toy bank collection: it's the Ultra Man Coin Op kiddie ride bank! Just plunk some spare change in him, hop on (if you're two inches tall), and take the ultra ride of your life! SHHHUWATCH! Bandai did a great job on these-- they also make one of Kamen Rider too!

Some of you may remember that I actually rode an original full-sized vintage version of Ultra Man in Kobe, Japan last year-- but if you missed just CLICK HERE!

And for more fun banks from my personal collection, click HERE, HERE, and HERE!


  1. Ultraman fun in your own home, great find Karswell.

  2. Does it work with US money? Do you have a little Science Patrol action figure articulate enough to ride it?

  3. >Ultraman fun in your own home, great find Karswell.

    My home is slowly becoming Ultra Man Central! :)

    >Do you have a little Science Patrol action figure articulate enough to ride it?

    I actually do! haha... thanks for the comments
