Sunday, November 18, 2018

Polly's Pilgrimage

I haven't done much on the Thanksgiving themed posts yet this month, so maybe it's about time to do so! And here's a funny little Polly Pigtails poem from the November 1947 issue, ("Play Pumpkinball!"), plus a funny gag at the end, all beautifully illustrated by Vic Herman.

I'll have more from this issue in our next post too!


  1. Pumpkinballs?

    I hope you get a big turkey leg to chaw on!

  2. I like the way Polly has her own private, Polly-sized turkey in image four (and recreated on the cover). This is beautiful some ink wash illustration. Like a whole story made out of New Yorker cartoons.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Imagine how different this poem would be if image 8 said “Six months later” at the top...

  4. Great art and cute story, Great find Karswell.
