Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dream Girl

Kicking off the new and final month of 2016 with a mysterious little love story, highlighted by beautiful Bob Brown interior and cover artwork. Originally featured in the December 1957 issue of House of Mystery #69 (though this is the later 70's Witching Hour reprint version), --and seriously, with all of the recent negativity and sadness in the world, I dedicate todays post to everyone with a dream girl, dream guy, or just a gorgeous dream about anything that makes your life happy and worthwhile...


  1. See, and I'm always forgetting to employ the help of a wizard whenever I want something really bad, too. Paul may have terrible, terrible taste in friends, but how could he possibly go wrong with Omar? After all, Omar spelled inside-out is amor!

  2. Great story, it reminds me a bit of Charlton's Haunted Love comics.
    Its not too often there is a happy ending in a horror comic, especially when romance is part of the plot. All in all I'm glad the guy found his dream girl in the end.

  3. great story.loving all the posts.
