Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Cookie Collection Art of Luciana

Things have been pretty spookie around here for awhile-- now it's time to get COOKIE! McCall's Cookie Collection booklet from 1974 is 60+ pages of AWESOME CUTENESS. Yeah, the recipes are tasty and adventurous, but OMG look at these stunningly colored illustrations that grace the pages by Luciana! If you're not squealing and falling on the floor from 100% pure adorable overload, then lard help you! Anyway, lots more McCall's squeal-inducers comin' atchas all this month --I do promise to mix it up in the variety department too! :)


  1. Oh my god!! I love this! The little kids are all so cute!!

    I love those last two kids grabbing the cookie jar soooo much! And the kids at the party table and the kids with the sled. And that little post office kid and the kids making cooking. Man!

  2. "Mailing cookies"...
    I swear I never thought about it!

  3. I'm all about the Family Jam Band, and that eskimo with the rosy cheeks!! :)

  4. Yeah, the Eskimo is my favorite, too (I especially love the little blue igloos in the background). That table full of kids is a close second.

  5. I'm enjoying these cookbooks you've posted. They always had the best art, if not recipes.
