Sunday, January 4, 2015

Signs of Laughter

Signs of Laughter, edited by Tom Gallagher for Fawcett Gold Medal Books in 1970 is a silly collection of real signs, (some planned, some just happened that way) and given an extra kick to the funny buns with some very well drawn illustrations. There's a great St. Augustine quote at the beginning of the book taken from the De Doctrina Christiana (published in 397): "A sign is a thing which, apart from the impression that it presents to our senses, causes of itself some other thing to enter our thoughts." Indeed, St. Augustine, indeed!


  1. Is the one on the cover a real sign?
    Pretty stupid, no?
    The others are clever, tough, and very funny.
    Love n. 9!

  2. >Is the one on the cover a real sign?

    well it's obvious they meant "remove your clothes from the machines", not your body!

  3. Yes but why leave some of your clothes IN the machine AFTER the washing? Who would do this?
    I mean, unless you're Nick Kamen...

  4. I've found clothes left in dryers by previous users when using public laundromats before... socks mostly.

  5. i like the nude crossing lady. she looks like she's doing the watusi across the street

  6. Funny comics then and now. Maybe these were the proto-Failblog images before the dawn of the internet.

  7. haha, maybe!

    Ok, back to doing the Walktusi

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