Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Xmas in July, Day 8 and 9: Bat Vehicles

A mighty powerful storm knocked out my internet yesterday, (maybe it was the Weather Wizard) so here we have another double post of required Xmas in July items now that we're back up and running today. Having always been a Bat Man fan, the Batmobile is a serious no brainer (comes with a bat mike and rocket controls!), but the Bat Cycle rules of course too-- though I wouldn't mind having myself a buxom Bat Girl to zoom alongside me on it! (Sears Christmas Wish Book, 1976)


  1. I think it looks more like a Bat Buggy with that radio control antenna. Even the Caped Crusader gets to take-off to the beach every now and then, and with this little beauty he can navigate the dunes in style...!

  2. Yesterday up my way the credit card system was down for many of my local stores due to the web being down, though I was still able to get on the web at home.
    Modern technology, a great modern day inconvenience.

  3. now all we need is the Bat Copter and Bat 18 Wheeler
