Sunday, July 27, 2014

Xmas in July, Day 27: Magic and the Occult

Do you believe in magic, or the world of the occult? When you're a kid you believe in the power of anything, especially the imagination! I totally loved magic kits when I was little, Hell I still do-- and the mysteries into the dark, misty regions of the occult realm will always be fascinating to me as well. So come on, be the life of the party-- or be the death of your enemies, --either way it's time to ask Santa for some REAL power this year! #3 Genie Bottle is an interesting spin / variation on the Magic Eightball game. (Montgomery Wards Christmas Catalog, 1971)


  1. Knowing you, Karswell, if you had that genie bottle, you'd rub the paint off trying to get Barbra Eden to come out!

  2. Wow I really want that genie bottle with the smoke and the answer in the lighted window. That's neat!

  3. Me too! Especially if it does have Barbara Eden in it!

  4. Yeah, if that bottle works the way they describe, it's the coolest thing catalog item I've seen in a while. I would also have wanted all the cards--both the trick sets on page one and the tarot deck on page two--and any magic set was total catnip at the time. As an adult, the catnip has shifted to those (ahem) "recreated" Victorian vampire-killing cases all the cool kids are making now.

  5. What? I want a vampire killing case!

    I spent some time on ebay looking up the genie bottle but didn't find anything... if anyone has any info on it, or a link, let us know!

  6. These prepacked Victorian vampire killing cases are pretty awesome and some are even bona fide hoaxes that went for high prices at reputable auctions. Some are just great props and works of art, which is good enough for me. Here's the Google image search for "Vampire killing Sets" in a Tiny URL:
