Saturday, June 28, 2014

Let's Give a (Jell-O) Party + Danishes!

I have a double post for yooz since this month it seems to be taking me for-FREAKIN-ever to get anything posted at either of my dad-blasted blogs (sorry!) Anyway,  first up it's party time, or more specifically, Let's Give a Party (1960) from Wonder Books, which I didn't even realize until after I bought it is actually a promotional kids book / recipe booklet for Jell-O (!!!), and features some really FREAKIN fabulously cute art from Joanne Nigro. And for those of you about to raise a little Jell-O but also require some devilishly daffy, dreamily debonair danishes, I've got you covered there too! Experience: Sara Lee's super cool Discover Danish as it Goes International guide, full of great recipes and tremendously tasty looking illustrations (no date or artist credits listed-- also don't miss our Zodiac Cakes post HERE for more clever Sara Lee yummsies.)


  1. How wonderful! I have to say, when I saw the title for this I was thinking "Jello shots."

  2. Okay, every page of the Jello booklet is fabulous--all those textile and pattern drawings: Wallpaper! Wrapping Paper! Potholders!--but nothing can beat the front cover for me, not even the excellent dollhouse-like cutaway or those sexy gray cats. When I someday jump on the Tumblr bandwagon, my re-shared content will exclusively consist of photos of people in cockpits and auto interiors, people wearing space suits, and artist renderings of packed refrigerator shelves. And werewolves of course. Lots of werewolves.

    1. That will most likely be my favorite tumblr site ever, Mr C-- get on it!

  3. man - this is one of my fave posts you've ever done. i love both of these books soooo much. like mr. c said - everything about the jello book is amazing. i can't believe it's a little hard cover book! man that's just so neat!

    but the danish book, man. i freaking love that thing. i love all the cute illustrations like the chef and the butterflies - and the recipes are just so great. i dont know what it is about these brand name recipe booklets that use mostly pre-made ingredients but i am eternally fascinated by them. and i cannot get over that freaking danish pizza! wtf???? i want to make it just to see how insane it is. but then again the Devilish Cheese Danish with a layer of deviled ham in the middle geeks me out to no end. that is def gonna be the first thing i make out of this booklet.

    i raise my jello to you and smash some devilish cheese danish into my face in your honor :)

    thanks for posting these!

    1. I hope you blog about your Danish adventures and post lots of pix too! :)

  4. here you go! hopefully the link works ok
