Friday, February 28, 2014

Talk About Sharp!

Earlier this month I posted about a girl and her refrigerator that featured neato images of a fridge literally come to life-- click HERE if you missed it! Today I have some scans from a mid century Cutco Cutlery and Carving Guide containing illustrations which to me appear to be from possibly the same uncredited artist-- but this time with a much sharper focus on knives doing what knives should and should NOT do! It's a fun style, and really livens up this wonderfully designed booklet.


  1. I could stand to see a whole animated swashbuckler with these guys as Frenchmen and pirates and damsels and things. Some cleaver could be the chef, providing the comic relief alongside his sidekick the drunken corkscrew.

  2. Haha! Don't forget his bodyguard "The Masher."

    I like how the bone has a bone to pick with the knife!

  3. cool! i always love the animated utensils! but esp that fork lady :)

    1. She just wants to stick her forkin head right into a giant meatball
