Monday, February 3, 2014

Emotional Problems of Growing Up

I recently came into the possession of an incredible boxed set of 18 BETTER LIVING booklets published in 1951 by Science Research Associates Inc. These were specifically educational aids for parents and teachers in helping kids stay on the right paths mentally, physically, and socially-- in areas ranging from understanding sex and dating, to health and behavior, to choosing careers, facing crises, manners, etc. As usual here at AEET, we're more about the artistic side of things though and the focus of today's post is the superb illustrative key art by Kathleen Shepherd, fyi: with images enlarged 300%! I'll have more from this fun series over the coming months, which features a variety of very clever, and very different artists-- so stay tuned!


  1. Shoot, I'm still self-conscious--this damn body is even more matured now than ever before. I love the one where Bill is wrecking the algebra room. And of course my fave is that first picture of the kid cowering under his nightmares. The funniest caption is about how boys' and girls' interest in one another goes in spurts and stops. Interests do come and go, I guess.

    1. Yes, boys especially come in spurts-- and then go

  2. that poor girl shouldn't be self-conscious of his body!

    i actually have fond memories of the time i wanted to run away from home. my mom packed me a sandwich and i went to the corner and ate it and came back home.

  3. Honestly, math gave me emotional problems too!

  4. 45 years into it and all I know at this point is how much I don't know. Life is a constant challenge and learning process until the day we die.

    Sorry so gloomy...

  5. yeah it is but that's not necessarily a bad thing either.

    isn't there a line in that song about her sitting on the corner eating a baloney and cheese sammich?
