Sunday, January 12, 2014

House of Mystery #228 Extras + Ads

Over at my other blog, THE HORRORS OF IT ALL, I've been posting spooky stories from the winter '74-75 issue of House of Mystery #228, and this is one of those big 100 page issues so that means it's also full of cool filler stuff like funny Halloween Monster Cards and Cain's Game Room gags from legendary MAD master Sergio Aragones. I've also rounded out this post by blowing up some teeny monster ads at 600% too! And be sure to stop by THOIA for the excellent Frank Robbins and Berni Wrightson tales when you're done here!


  1. yay!! teeny monster ads!!!

    cute stuff! i dont approve of that dentist comic panel though :(

  2. I posted a double horror ad on the current THOIA post (in between the stories) as well!

  3. I done seen it! But you know how I am about commenting there. Besides I'm pretty sure that dentist is actually lurking around over there somewhere.

  4. I always loved seeing Sergio working so large. Thanks for this stuff, Karswell.

  5. I'll dig out more Aragones treats for ya later on in 2014, Mr. C!

    1. Woo hoo. Can't wait to see more Sergio. Always loved these dc ones as a kid.
