Tuesday, December 31, 2013

They Dwell Among Us (Twilight Zone)

For some, New Years Eve means a night on the town, wining and dining and rowdy, frigid, ball droppin' rock 'n roll parties in the street. For others it means staying in all quiet and cozy and tuning into the SyFy Channel for their yearly Twilight Zone marathon. So maybe after you've been 1.) threatened to death by Talking Tina, 2.) served man as a midnight snack, and / or 3.) finally realized Number 12 looks just like you, head on back over here to AEET for They Dwell Among Us, a creepy little tale (with fine art by Don Heck and Mike Peppe), about super science and scary sorcery merged in a world seemingly not yet ready for either.

From the August 1965 issue of The Twilight Zone #12.


  1. This tale fits in well with the Twilight Zone theme since Rod Serling wrote many stories dealing with bigotry during his career.

    I always liked these semi-scary tales that were printed during the 70's post code or not.
    If nothing else, the post code comics offered a different kind of scary story, one where the story itself was the main thing and the monster/ghost/witch/whatever was secondary in the comic. The writers of these comic stories had a chance to shine, to weave a good yarn while the artwork conformed to the limits of the comics code.
    It was a major loss to the world of comics when the code came into effect and so many gifted and talented artists gave up on doing comics. Like anything in life, the good things never last as long as we would like them to.

    Happy new Year Karswell and all followers of Everything else Too.

  2. I couldn't even tell that was Don Heck!

    Great story, as JMR777 says, fits in exactly with the kind of stories Serling loved to write. It's a small bit convenient, but has a lot of emotion and the ending has real impact.

    One thing I noticed about what you've posted from The Twilight Zone or other post code like Karloff's mag, is that no matter the artist, there's a sameness to the art. I wonder if there was a house style, or had more to do with the colorist or something in the printing process? Or it just might be the limited number of stories I've seen from these mags.

  3. Darn small minded masses ruin everything!
